Managing Stress – Counseling For Creative Talents

Stress is a natural aspect of life and can serve as inspiration to complete tasks. High levels of stress resulting from severe illnesses, job losses, family deaths, or traumatic life events can be considered an inevitable aspect of life. It’s typical for a client like you to feel depressed or anxious for a period.



Stress can come from any negative thought or experience that causes you to feel anxious, annoyed, or frustrated. Your body’s response to a demand or challenge is stress. Stress can be beneficial in little bursts, such as when it keeps you safe or allows you to fulfill a deadline. However, chronic stress can be detrimental to your health.

As a person you should consider yourself because when you’re endangering your whole health when you live with excessive stress. Stress negatively impacts not only your general mental and physical well-being but also your emotional stability. It limits your capacity for logical thought, effective performance, and enjoyment of life.

You may be healthier, happier, and more productive by removing the negative effects of stress on your life with effective stress management. The ultimate target is to have a healthy life that includes time for relationships, work, leisure, enjoyment, and the fortitude to face obstacles head-on and persevere under pressure. However, stress management doesn’t have a one-size-fits-all approach. Trying different things is crucial until you figure out which works most effectively for you.

Consult a medical professional if your anxiety or depression lasts longer than a few weeks or starts getting in the way of your life at home or work. Medication, therapy, and other tactics can be beneficial. You can learn certain skills to assist you in managing stress over time before it becomes too much. Try these suggestions to manage your stress.

Identify The Sources Of Stress In Your Life

Finding the causes of your stress is the first step in managing the pressure you experience. It’s more complex than it seems. While significant stresses like relocating, transferring jobs, or dealing with a divorce are easy to detect, identifying the origins of ongoing stress can be more challenging. Ignoring how your attitudes, sentiments, and actions affect your stress levels daily is incredibly simple. Although you may be aware that you’re often anxious about work deadlines, it’s possible that your procrastination is to blame for your stress levels rather than the demands of your job itself. You can better understand the recurring stressors in your life and how you handle them by keeping a stress journal. Note down your level of stress each time and indicate the cause.

Adapt To The Stressors

Change your mindset if you can’t alter the stressor. You can adjust to difficult circumstances and reclaim your sense of control by altering your expectations and perspective. Make an effort to see the bright side of things. Consider it the perfect chance to take a break and refocus. You can listen to your preferred radio station or spend some alone time instead of getting upset over an uncontrollable circumstance. Examine the larger picture and modify your expectations. Engage in an act of thankfulness and pause to consider all the blessings in your life, including your attributes and talents. You may maintain perspective by using this easy tactic. Establish fair expectations for you and others, and come to terms with “good enough.”



Slow Down And Take A Break

Make time for genuine relaxation to let your mind decompress from tension. It could be difficult for you to get started if you’re the type who enjoys setting objectives. But if you persevere, you’ll look forward to these times. Activities that promote relaxation include yoga, meditation, spending time in nature, enjoying relaxing music, and watching your favorite TV series. Consider slowing down if you are overly preoccupied with managing the things around you or even attempting to balance work and life. Allocate some time for relaxation or engage in other enjoyable activities. Avoid spending too much time reading, viewing, or absorbing news post, especially on social media. Try to turn off your computer, TV, and phone.

Accept The Things You Can’t Change

There are some stressors that cannot be avoided. There is no way to stop or alter stress. Accepting things as they are in these situations is the greatest way to manage tension. While acceptance can be challenging, it’s ultimately less stressful than lashing out against something you can’t control. Avoid trying to control the uncontrollable. Many situations in life are out of our control, especially when it comes to other people’s behavior. Instead of obsessing about them, concentrate on matters you have power over, such as the course of action you take in response to issues. When faced with significant obstacles, attempt to see them as chances for personal development. If you made a wrong choice in the past that led to a stressful scenario, think back on it and learn from it.

Exercise Or Engage In Physical Activity

Regular exercise is considered to be one of the helpful and finest strategies to unwind both mentally and physically. Exercise also lifts your spirits. But for it to be effective, you have to do it frequently. Engage in moderate physical activity for up to two hours and thirty minutes, such as brisk walks, or more intense physical activity for up to seventy-five minutes, such as running, swimming laps, jogging, or other sports. Make sure you create and stick to realistic exercise objectives to avoid giving up. Most of all, understand that performing any kind of exercise is more beneficial than none at all.

Cut Out Unhealthy Ways Of Dealing With Stress

Many of us feel so stressed out we resort to unhealthy and unproductive ways to cope. Many ineffective techniques can alleviate stress in the short term but ultimately do more harm than good. Among these are excessive sleeping habits, drug or alcohol use, smoking, binge eating junk food, and retreating from social interactions with friends and family, in addition to procrastinating and zoning out while in front of the TV or smartphone for hours at a time, you might also find that during stressful moments, you take out your frustrations on other people by snapping, losing your temper, or threatening to inflict harm. It’s time to switch to healthy coping mechanisms that give you a sense of peace and control if your current stress management resources aren’t improving your overall emotional and physical health.

Eat A Well-Balance Healthy Diet

Eating nutritious foods improves not just your physical appearance but also your emotional well-being. Stress can be mitigated, your immune system strengthened, your state of mind stabilized, and your blood pressure lowered with a nutritious diet. The converse may occur if there is a lot of extra fat and sugar. And junk food may appear even more attractive when you’re experiencing a lot of anxiety and stress. Thus, look for lean proteins, fatty acids, and complex carbohydrates—found in nuts, fish, meat, and eggs—to keep balanced and healthy.

Furthermore, check for the ones with beneficial antioxidants. They guard your cells from the harm that long-term stress might bring about. They are present in an enormous range of foods, including grains, beans, berries, fruits, vegetables, and herbs like ginger.

Alter The Stressful Situation

 This frequently entails altering the way you interact with people and handle yourself on a regular basis. Instead of holding your emotions inside, let them out. Express your worries politely and openly if something or someone is upsetting you. Tension and dissatisfaction will rise if you don’t express your emotions. Don’t let your needs come last; instead, be more assertive. Take address issues head-on, making every effort to foresee and avoid them. Strive to strike a balance between your personal and professional lives, your social life and your alone time, and your daily obligations and leisure time.



Manage Your Time Better

A lot of tension can be brought on by poor time management. It’s challenging to remain organized and concentrated when you run behind schedule and often do not follow your routine. Additionally, you’ll feel pressured to forgo or minimize all the beneficial activities you should engage in to manage your stress, such as socializing and getting adequate sleep. Fortunately, there are steps you may take to improve your work-life balance. Among them is breaking down tasks into smaller stages rather than attempting to do everything at once. Setting priorities and completing things in order of significance is another. Just be careful not to overcommit. Refrain from planning excessively into one day or scheduling too many things in one sitting.

Connect To Others

Nothing is more soothing than spending time with someone you share life with who gives you a sense of security and understanding. Remember that you don’t need the individuals you talk to be able to relieve your stress. All they have to do is listen well. Additionally, aim not to let the fears about coming out as needy or weak prevent you from being open. Your confidence will touch the individuals you care about. You two will only get closer as a result. Even if it’s not always possible to rely on a friend when stressed out, you can increase your ability to handle life’s challenges by creating and sustaining a network of close friends. Have the knowledge to practice learning other people’s feelings as you explore yours. Whether these are adults, kids or children. 

Final Thoughts

Many strategies for managing stress and adversity—difficulties in life—are provided to clients by a therapist. You can live a healthier and more balanced life by learning to manage your stress. Thus, try not to let it depress you. If you can, try considering these practical suggestions for stress relief or consult an art therapist for additional advice.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Why is creative counselling important?
What is the reasoning behind using creative arts in counseling?
What are the creative approaches to counselling?
What is a creative way of counselling?
Why is creative thinking an important life skill?
Why do you think creative thinking is important?
What are the benefits of creative thinking to an Organisation?
What is creative thinking and why is it important for entrepreneurship?
Is creative arts therapy effective?
What is the main purpose of creative arts?
What is creative and therapeutic activities?
What are the benefits of creativity and the arts for society?
What is the purpose of creativity and craft?
What are the most important parts when defining creative arts therapy?
How does art develop creative thinking?


Tips On Managing Financial Stress

As with any excessive stressor, financial difficulties can harm your relationships, general well-being, and physical and mental health. Your energy, sleep quality, and sense of self-worth can all suffer when financial problems weigh you down. In addition to escalating pain and mood changes, it can make you feel resentful, guilty, or afraid. It can also lead to conflict and strain with those closest to you.



In extreme cases, financial stress can even lead to thoughts of suicide or behaviors. But help is accessible, regardless of how dire things appear to be. You may discover a way out of the financial maze, reduce stress levels, and take charge of your finances and life by facing your financial challenges head-on.

Understanding Financial Stress

Emotional stress that is particularly connected to money worries is known as financial stress. Financial stress can affect anyone, although it is more common in low-income households. Not having sufficient funds to cover unexpected expenses like credit card company, housing, utility, minimum payments, and foodstuffs can cause money related stress. Individuals with low wages could also lack the necessary resources, such as healthcare coverage for mental health services, to help them manage their bank balance, spending habits, and money stress.

Job-related stress may be more prevalent among those with lower incomes, such as creative talents, street artists, garbage collectors and others. Their employment doesn’t allow them to take time off much more to consider counseling for creative talents and garbage collectors. They may be employed in hazardous conditions but are scared to quit since they will need more money to maintain themselves as they hunt for other employment.

Most people occasionally experience financial stress or difficulty. However, if financial stress interferes with your daily activities due to everyday expenses, it may become a cause for concern. For example, you may discover that your significant stress over finances is keeping you from enjoying other aspects of your life or that you are unable to concentrate on them.

Impact Of Financial Stress

Poor Mental Health

The relationship between psychological and financial health is frequently continual; that is, having poor financial health may worsen poor mental health, which in turn causes even worse financial stability and well-being, and so on. Studies have demonstrated for years that those with debt experience greater rates of psychological problems like depressive disorders and anxiety than those without debt. Your emotional wellbeing will suffer when you experience financial struggles. Depression, anxiety, behavioral changes like social disengagement, and physical symptoms like headaches and stomachaches can all result from financial stress. Thus, you might need to consider emotional support from your close network.

Poor Physical Health

Prolonged financial stress has been shown to have the tendency to be harmful to your physical health as well. Heart disease, diabetes, migraines, stomachaches, insomnia, and other issues can all be brought on by it. Your body cannot heal itself if you are under constant stress. You remain vulnerable to infections and colds because of this weakness in your immune system. You can encounter symptom flare-ups if you currently have a persistent health issue.

Unhealthy Coping Behaviors

Stress related to money or finances can lead to several bad habits, such as binge eating, consuming alcohol, and using drugs. Unfortunate circumstances might lead to excessive spending even without sufficient funds.

Regardless of your situation, there are strategies to help you manage your money again, reduce anxiety and stress, and survive the current economic downturn.

Here’s How To Deal With Stress Related To Money



Identify Top Sources Of Financial Stress

While you may not be able to solve your financial issues overnight, you may begin preparing for success as soon as possible. If your financial worries are interfering with your sleep, begin by pinpointing the exact problems that are causing your anxiety. You may overspend on pointless products when stressed or nervous, carrying excessive credit card debt, or both. Identifying the cause of the stress will assist you in planning your next course of action. With that, put your main financial obstacles in writing.

It can include groceries, your groceries or food budget, home maintenance, repairs, kids’ school supplies, and your personal purchases. Keep the items on the list brief to make you feel less overwhelmed. If money is tight, make an inventory of the items you absolutely need to have and then make another list of the things you want. Every three and six months or whenever your situation changes, go over your list again and check them to see if you really have to buy them. In this manner, your grasp of your budgeting cycle will improve.

Declutter Your Budget

An effective tool for managing money, managing debt, and comprehending your money troubles is a budget. It might assist you in saving money for future objectives and against overspending. Regular budget inspections are crucial for maintaining your financial health because life is rarely static. Organize, plan, and declutter all the funds coming in and going out of your savings account to take charge of your expenditures and pay attention to your bank account.

You’ll experience fewer mental health problems like stress the more flexibility you have. Set limits on the amount of discretionary money you use or spend money. Think about your food budget, for example. Find ways to cut costs on your shopping purchase, such as by reviewing pricing across several brands. Not only will you save money, but you’ll also feel more accomplished and in charge, which may make you feel more relaxed. You can determine what story your money is telling you if you’re familiar with what’s going on with your finances. If you’re unsure, consult with a professional for free financial advice to help you with your financial situation.

Expand Your Options And Find Better Deals

At times, your desires and financial capabilities vary. Increase your possibilities rather than settling on a single must-have item. For example, don’t spend a fortune on a particular smartphone if cheaper options are available. Being willing to make concessions can help you save great stress. After all, knowing the distinction between necessities and desires is crucial during a crisis.

Avoiding putting an excessive amount of your finances on autopilot is a terrific strategy to ease your financial stress. Recognize what you can and cannot regain control and maintain perspective. The key to having a positive outlook and sound financial management is knowing your options, your possibilities, and how your money is working for you. Thus, remember this rule: don’t buy unnecessary items so you won’t have to sell the ones you already own.



Find Ways To Earn More Money

There’s only so much you can eliminate from your budget, so watch out that it doesn’t become a further source of worry. Your budget is probably already stretched thin since consumer goods prices exceed usual. Instead, explore methods to boost your revenue. If you receive hourly compensation or are qualified for overtime, you can work a few more hours weekly. You can bargain for a pay increase. Employers might be more inclined to offer a salary rise due to the high inflation rate and the tight labor market.

You may work a side job. A side job may be a smart choice for people looking for an adaptable means to supplement their earnings in addition to full-time work. This can involve activities like meal delivery, tutoring, or blogging. Alternatively, you could sell something you don’t need. Old furniture, clothes, toys, pet supplies, and tools are a few examples of what this might comprise.

Engage In Self-Care

It’s critical to maintain a healthy lifestyle that helps manage stress. Try staying active for at least thirty minutes a day—move your body in whatever way feels comfortable. This enhances your mental and physical health. Walking is an excellent way to burn off calories and reduce stress. You may manage stress and anxiety in a big manner by exercising and maintaining a good diet. Additionally, figuring out how to get better sleep will benefit your body and mind during this trying period.

Even though you may feel overwhelmed by your financial stress, keep in mind that tools are available to effectively assist both your stress and your financial affairs. Spend time relaxing, engaging in meditation, having fun, and fostering relationships with others. Remind yourself of what matters most and take advantage of this chance to detach from your worries—not everything in life is about money.

Consult With A Professional Financial Advisor

There’s frequently an overwhelming desire to attempt to handle things alone and bottle things up when you’re having financial difficulties. Money is even viewed by many of us as an embarrassing subject that should never be addressed with others. You can be uncomfortable about being unable to support your family, ashamed of any financial errors you’ve committed, or hesitant about sharing how much money you make or spend. However, keeping things within may only worsen your financial strain.

If you want to relieve stress or some of your burdens regarding goal-setting, saving money, and debt reduction, consider speaking with a financial counselor. Your financial security can be significantly increased by collaborating with a financial advisor on investment selection and financial preparation. With expert assistance, you may monitor your development and modify your plan as your goals, spending money, and income change. Get assistance if you’re finding it difficult to manage your financial stress.

Final Thoughts

Since most Americans feel stressed, fixing financial issues usually requires small measures that pay off in the long run. Be appreciative of the positive occurrences in your life. When you’re always worried about money and facing financial instability, it’s simple to concentrate only on the bad things. You can pause to enjoy a close friendship, the tranquility of a sunset, or the unconditional affection of a pet, even if you don’t have to deny reality and act like everything is OK. It can improve your mood, reduce stress, and offer your mind an opportunity to escape from never-ending financial worries.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How Can You Cope With Financial Stress?

What Is Causing Financial Stress?

How Can We Overcome Financial Problems?

How Do You Deal With Financial Stress In A Relationship?

Can Financial Stress Affect Your Health?

Is Financial Stress Bad For You?

How Does Financial Stress Affect Students?

How Does Financial Stress Affect Depression?

Is Living Within Your Means The Key To Eliminating Financial Stress?

How Can I Be Financially Stable With Low Income?

Can Financial Stress Cause Anxiety?

How Does Financial Stress Affect Families?

Is Financial Stress Common?

Can Financial Stress Cause Trauma?

What Financial Stress Means?

The Importance Of Emotional Healing That I Learned From My Therapist

Mental and emotional healing is not easy, and a lot of stigmas relates to its therapy treatment. And sometimes, doing your independent self-healing gets questioned since most people see it as a sign of weakness. In some instances, you get defined as a crazy person for doing the hard work of trying to help yourself. People will say that what you are going through is not entirely true and that reevaluation is a waste of time. They don’t realize that understanding the benefits of self-questioning is the path for someone to grow and recover emotionally.

Healing is a journey. It might not be a hundred percent smooth sailing, but once you get through helping yourself, you’ll eventually reach that sense of fulfillment. Soon you will realize that once you get used to the self-help progress, nothing can shake or take you away from mental and emotional recovery. Yes, the whole procedure of self-healing requires a lot of risks. But in the end, it becomes genuinely rewarding.

What Are The Expectations You Will Have To Go Through?

Understanding The Flow Of Emotions

You are stuck in survival mode when you are emotionally or mentally stable. You are mostly focused on the things in front of you – logic. However, you know that emotions are painful, and sometimes it takes a while to know one when you feel one. When a certain emotion is too much to handle, it becomes hard for you to concentrate. Thus, it will become very challenging to acknowledge and validate what you are going through.

When you are reminded of hurtful things, most likely, you would want to keep the pain and agony buried. But know that when you acknowledge your negative emotions as an artist or coming from your personal life, you begin to understand the importance of self-love, in addition to counseling for creative talents like you. You will realize that your whole being deserves better when you no longer suppress or deny your feelings. Know that it is okay not to be okay.

Maintaining Boundaries And Better Expression

When you are in the process of healing, you are usually having difficulties with boundaries. Stating or enforcing them becomes challenging because you do not want to suffer the consequences of rejection, guilt, and shame. You do not want others to look at you negatively for putting your interest first. And you don’t want to receive any negative opinion or bad back feedback from saying what’s on your mind.

But when you start to maintain boundaries, you will gain more well-balanced interpersonal dynamics. It is relatable to self-healing because it makes you value your feelings and opinions rather than what others say. Maintaining a boundary can help you with the mental clarity that enables you to create better life decisions. It helps you understand the situations you are in.

Dealing With Difficult Experience

When you are emotionally struggling, you will think life is unfair. You will believe that you are unworthy of living and that you deserve all the bad things that are happening in your life. Those negative thoughts suppress all the wonderful life experiences you should have been going through. When you are unstable, you choose isolation, which hinders you from enjoying the life you have always wanted.

With self-healing, the mindset is different. You accept all the life-changing impacts of things, places, and people around you. You appreciate their importance in your growth and development. And when you get used to their presence, you realize that some of the negative things they bring you are now hurting you less. Yes, confronting things can be very uncomfortable. But you must realize that distress and sadness are normal and part of the self-help approach.

Becoming Reactive And Responsive

The more you suffer from emotional pain, the more you see everything as a threat. Nothing in the world can make you feel safe. Thus you will think that you won’t have time to sit and relax because negativities in life are always a step ahead in the battle. You will live like you need to defend yourself constantly.

But once you start healing, your natural response of fighting back, running down, lashing out, and people-pleasing will be over. You will become more rational with how to react to things. Self-healing supports emotional regulation and self-analysis, enabling you to focus on your responsibilities. Thus, you can expect a response that will go through a proper evaluation.

Final Thoughts And Takeaway

Emotional healing can deal with the growing pain and self-integration. There is no straight road to full recovery. It can be very uncomfortable to experience, but it is a reminder that you are already in the process and are moving into the beautiful life you deserve. You need to stay focused and think that once all your effort, hard work, and sync, you will soon have a deeper sense of self-love and inner peace.

Also, understand that self-healing is not linear and does not happen overnight. There are things that you have to consider. If you can’t handle life pressure such as financial stress, relationship issues, family matters, and a lot more, always consider asking for professional advice.

Should I Seek A Therapist Just Because I Feel Depressed?

I have never been in therapy and never considered one. Aside from the process being very time-consuming, it is also expensive. I find it unreasonable since I know I will only talk to a professional for an hour and rant about my feelings. They will only listen, and I will only talk. But that’s just my personal opinion. In a professional sense, a therapist helps a lot in diagnosis, prescribed medication, and treatment, especially when depressed. But is that enough reason for me to seek help?


Emotional And Mental State

I have read a lot of articles and watched a couple of videos about my mental and emotional state. The thing about these pieces of information is that they always tell me the signs and symptoms of my condition. However, it doesn’t seem easy to agree on these details when I try and evaluate them.

Yes, I am sad and want to isolate myself from people. It has been said that it is a common sign of depression. However, on my part, I only wanted to have “me time,” which is why I keep things to myself. And regarding the sadness I am feeling, I think it is just a random reaction of my body from constantly laughing hours before the former emotion.

With all the stress and daily problems I face, I am not sure I genuinely have to seek professional therapy. Or should I?

Changes That Affect My Life

With the supposed depression I have, I am more concerned about how I treat others. I am always aware of my abilities and skills when it comes to communication and creating connections. I guarantee that they are superb. I can make friends in a minute because I am an outgoing person who knows how to engage with others. I basically understand facial expressions and body language, which is an edge to my social skills.

However, I might have unintentionally pushed some people away due to the emotional strain; I don’t know how it started or where it came from. I must admit to making sudden changes in my social interaction, which undeniably affects my relationships.

There were times that after building a connection with someone, I might suddenly feel a lack of interest in that particular individual, which often resulted in ghosting. I am not proud of it, but I keep telling myself that it is not my fault that I don’t find that person interesting anymore.

The attempt to understand the sudden changes in my social engagement made me conclude that it was just my desire to eliminate unnecessary people in my life. Or is that it?


What Makes It Difficult To Seek Help?

Honestly, I think it is not about the depressive symptoms that are entirely bothering me; instead, it is the therapy treatment experience. I couldn’t picture myself opening up to a stranger about my deepest and darkest secrets that even I would never want to talk about. I am unsure if I am confident enough to share the worse parts of myself and expect the professional therapist not to judge or say anything against me.

The difficulty thinking about asking for professional advice is not the condition itself, but the idea of someone knowing things about me and perhaps can’t do anything to fix it. I think I am just afraid that things will remain the same despite all my efforts and the courage I gave into the therapy treatment process. I will still have thoughts of self-harm, and my emotions will never be in the right place.

Aside from those over-the-top thoughts, I may have issues with others telling me what to do. I am not used to seeking other people’s help, and I often resolve my issues alone. I am confident in my ability to help myself even in the darkest hours. Therefore, seeking professional advice can be quite challenging for me. And accept other individuals’ opinions regarding my feelings and behavior is something that can put me off at some point.

So should I still seek therapy for that?


Final Thoughts

For those of you who want to know if you need therapy or not, it would probably be best to consult one when your depression is turning your life into a mess. If your mental and emotional state is at risk, asking for a professional opinion would be the safest and most appropriate thing you can do.

Me, I am still in the process of learning the importance and benefits of therapy treatment. I am not in haste to seek professional help since I can still manage and control my depressive state at some point. But if I ever come up with the position that I can no longer function properly, I am open to seeking professional advice and possibly undergoing mental health treatment.

The Pros And Cons Of Online Therapy

The first step in addressing ADHD is to understand what it is. Second, determine the advantages and disadvantages to know if you are ready to undergo online therapy. This kind of treatment is not for everyone, especially those unwilling to participate in significant sessions. The only way to have a productive e-therapy session is to work well with your online treatment therapist. Let’s discuss the pros and cons of online therapy.

online therapy for people with ADHD, pros and cons

Continue reading The Pros And Cons Of Online Therapy

Dialectical Behavior Therapy: Therapeutic Solution

Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a mental health condition that causes people to have difficulty maintaining stable relationships, lack self-control, and feel paranoia.

Initially developed as a treatment mechanism for borderline personality disorder, dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) now expands its reach far beyond that scope. Similar to cognitive behavioral therapy, DBT is increasingly considered effective in managing varied forms of psychological stress associated with problematic personal relationships.

Dialectical behavioral therapy trains individuals to discern an optimum balance between acceptance and change – two vital dynamics commonly and personally at play in human interactions. What immediately sets DBT apart is how it holistically tackles the issue at hand – by developing different skill sets related to mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotional regulation, and lastly – most relevant in the context of relationship problems – interpersonal effectiveness.

Thus, people learn methods to handle their emotions better and react more positively during instances of conflict or disagreement. They build strategies that help them navigate through differences more successfully; such improvements eventually lead them toward healthier communication patterns altogether.

Borderline personality disorder (BPD) causes people to have difficulty in maintaining stable relationships, lack self-control, and feel paranoia. No one knows the cause, but it is rooted in genetic, biological, environmental, and social factors. Here's how Dialectical Behavior Therapy can help. A therapy that is given to those who have the borderline personality disorder.

Continue reading Dialectical Behavior Therapy: Therapeutic Solution

Overview Of The Benefits Of Self-Questioning Strategies

What advantages do introspective inquiry thus offer? Or what does it provide? Do I need to follow any specific steps? What advantages does learning have? Let’s discuss this further in this article.

For students, struggling readers, and teens, self-reflection advantages include allowing them to do more from school and life itself. It ensures to help them with their daily struggles. Let’s discuss this further to better understand the significance of self-questioning to their objective issues.

Once the blog about the few advantages of self-reflection came out, people had been asking how I managed to space and sort things out with my sister. Helping my sister did not come easy for me since there were connecting introspective inquiry emotions involved.

Social media will tell you that admitting your wrong is like killing yourself.  However, this is just a part of life coaching and creating a spiritual path. Just like a job interview or joining small groups for creative talents, you can admit wrongs and become better. If it is really giving you a hard time to admit your wrongs, consider counseling for creative talents.


What are the beneficial perks? Continue reading.

One of the benefits of self-questioning or among the advantages of introspective inquiry is that encourages students to practice an evaluative process of asking about their own questions and motives. It is also known as self-interrogation. In this way, students develop helpful questions and answers with presented information and prior definitions and knowledge.

There were still times when I wanted to strangle my sister because she refused to discuss or understand knowledge deeply, thinking that I was the one who was speaking against her. The reality was that I just wanted to fix the relationship and end all the drama discussed at the house. But I immediately got my sister to stop questioning the therapy methods with me and realize that the questionable thing was related to her examples of psychological self-rigidity.

You can throw yourself a number of questions, which can pave the way for more learning, including experiences from early childhood. Take some time to learn more about yourself. Try to find answers to questions and it could do a lot of wonders to your mental health.

Do Self-Questioning Benefits Focus On The Cons?

The Three Beneficial Things To Ask Yourself


What are some interesting, better questions to explain self-reflection? Can we identify, practice, or discover matter from asking such statements?

Am I Doing Something That Will Hurt Other People?

So, for the first question, I threw a question at my sister to put herself in others’ shoes. I said, “Think about this scenario. I borrowed your jean jacket and promised to keep it clean, but I only said that to make you lend it to me and stop asking questions. I will keep it for weeks, assuming that you don’t need it yet. Then, when you get mad at me for not keeping my promise, I would throw the blame back to your face and tell you that it’s your fault for not taking it back sooner.”

“Ouch,” my sister said. “Did I do that to you?”

“Yes, countless times.”


What are the Worst Things That Can Happen If I Start Taking Criticism?

How is criticism different from it?

My sister told me that she refused to take criticism because she did not want to feel weak, obliged to change, and stuck in pain inside. In her head, we had this ongoing rivalry because we were close in age, and I technically had more achievements than her. Somehow, that made her feel the need to defend herself and make everyone believe that she could never do wrong.

The truth was that it worked for my parents. It upset me so much back in the day since they believed that I was the reason behind our problems. They could not understand that it all started because my sister was never sorry for anything.

During the therapy experience, I asked my sister to consider the worst thing to happen if she started taking criticism wholeheartedly. I insist she should be ready. She could not think of any at that time, so I supplied the type of answer to her self-question. “The worst thing that could happen was that the criticism would sting you a little but also push you to become a better person.”


Will It Kill Me To Admit That I Am Wrong?

When people or students practice psychological rigidity, they tend to bask in the thought that they were always right – that they will never know the benefits of self-questioning without prior knowledge. That’s where they gain more joy and ideas; that’s how they get by without more material questions and improve their reading comprehension. However, if they had learned anything above, they would determine how faulty the said order of mindset was, especially when then students read or perform the oral reading.

Because of that, I encouraged my sister to ask herself the question to see its benefit whenever she faced a similar  issue: “Will it kill me to admit that I am wrong?” Is that difficult?

This connotes positive results because the answer is always no. Hearing that from the other people I might learn some leads of examples of resistance from her. But if the answer came out of her mouth, she would have no choice but to self-question or listen to herself.


My sister continued to get personal therapy for months despite financial stress and gained a lot of the advantages from self-reflection. Although psychological rigidity was technically not a mental illness, it was too tough to shake off. But once she agreed to peel off her shields one by one, it became easier for her to alter her mindset and ability than ever. It was all the therapist  – and the big sister – could ask for.


What are the few advantages of introspective inquiry?

Is it good to question yourself?

What happens when you question yourself?

What is introspective inquiry?

Should you question your sense of emotions?

What does asking questions do for the brain?

What is the significance of introspective inquiry?

What is introspective inquiry in comprehension?

How do you teach yourself questioning?

What is introspective inquiry in comprehension skills?

What is the power of self-doubt?

What are the types of introspective inquiry?

What is the purpose of questioning yourself?

What makes effective questioning?

How can I improve my questioning skills?

Why Do People Will Never Admit They’re Wrong

People who are close in age will often have a love-and-hate relationship.

2 kids embracing

But when some folks get older, they will find a way to get rid of that hate and keep the love.

In my case, though, I loved my little sister when we were both younger. No one had to ask me twice to share my toys with her because I would give them to her immediately. I also loved knowing that I was her big sister and boasted about it to my playmates. However, the more we grew up, the more I found it hard to love her.

Why Do Some Individuals Not Care?

So why do some people will never admit they were wrong? Why do some people have such a fragile ego and a hard time admitting they were wrong despite overwhelming evidence while for others, people admitting they were wrong is just too easy? Could some people just have a psychologically fragile ego that they will challenge obvious facts and will never admit they were no longer wrong? For some people, time is the best healer and focus only on the good things in life.   But there are people who have high ego and cannot let go of their own pride, and refuse to admit they’re wrong.

Regardless, admitting you’re wrong is part of personal growth. It makes you feel good.

Why It’s Hard To Say They Made Mistakes

Are you one of those people with fragile egos who will never admit they were wrong? Why will such people have persistent and rigid refusal that they were wrong and use defense mechanisms to cover their actions and fragile egos?

saying sorry and accepting he did something wrong

The very perception was that it always seemed challenging for my sister and for people to start admitting failure. For example, when we were both in high school, our parents got us to nail care sets since we constantly changed our nail polish every week. My sister broke hers almost after two months, and my parents refused to buy her another set, so she decided to borrow mine. She went to my room and got it herself, promising to clean and return the kit as soon as possible.

I got busy with school, so I only remembered it a month later. When I asked my sister where my nail care set was, she said, “Oh, did you not get it already?”

“Well, no, I was under the impression that you would return it to me right after you finish using it because that’s what you told me,” I shot back. No matter what I did, I knew she would distort reality and repeatedly exhibit defense mechanisms to protect herself. I wondered why some people never admit they were wrong. Is it that hard to admit one mistake or start taking responsibility for mistakes? I thought if that was my inherently and unusually bad fault, I would gladly apologize and admit that I was wrong. I would even actively maintain boundaries.

siblings on a couch with a dog

Realizing You Did Something Wrong But Won’t Admit It

Unfortunately, my sister continued to never admit she was wrong, even when it came to household chores. You see, we had a shared bathroom. Since she saw me clean it once, I told her to do it the following week. After all, she had longer hair than me, and it would always get stuck on the walls and in the drain. After six weeks of leaving the cleaning to me, I decided to talk to her about it again.

I calmly asked, “Can you please clean the bathroom next time?”

My sister scrunched up her nose and countered, “Why would I? I’m so busy with cheer and school and all that.” Such people will not admit they were wrong, like my sister. I would often realize, “Why will you never accept responsibility? Why not admit that you could be wrong sometimes?”


At that instant, I believed my sister had a God complex. Some people believe that they are more privileged than others, which is why it is difficult for some people to admit they were wrong.

According to Guy Winch, a popular advocate of science and mental health, admitting you’re wrong helps you grow. Moreover, in Psychology Today a person that cannot forgive may suffer from bipolar disorder.

My Realizations Of My Sister’s Actions After Becoming A Counselor

Once I went to college, I admittedly had an excuse only to see my sister once a year. I am just one of these people who would admit that I don’t want to live constantly with her. When I started practicing as a counselor, I even managed to excuse myself from Christmas or Thanksgiving dinners with a promise to my mother that I would take her to Black Friday or year-end sales, which she admired.

During one of my lunch dates with my colleagues and people from work, though, someone opened a topic about the things we’re most embarrassed about. When it was my turn, I told them that my sister and I were on the wrong terms due to her God complex and possible deep psychological constitution of anxiety. As trained psychologists and counselors, these people asked about my recollections of her behavior.


Then, one of them said, “You may have misdiagnosed your sister when you were teens. From what you’ve told us, it’s more like she suffers from psychological rigidity.” That made me reassess the situation. I called my sister that evening so that we could catch up, and I could prove (or disprove) my colleague’s idea wrong and deny facts.

It All Comes Down To Accepting My Mistakes

I admitted my intention to meet my sister. It turned out that she had psychological rigidity, and when I told her about it, she freaked out and assumed I was telling her that she was crazy. Well, she was, but the wrong issue was a mental disorder. It’s more of a mental weakness. Deep inside, I admitted that I was wrong – people do get wrong sometimes. Sometimes, it’s not that some people have emotional strength that they will never admit they were wrong and focus on confidently standing in their lies.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Is It So Hard For People To Admit They Are Wrong?

Why Is It Important To Own Up To Your Mistakes?

What do you call a person who thinks they are always right?

What is the power of admitting a mistake?

What kind of person never apologizes?

What do you call a different person that never admits fault?

Why do narcissists never admit fault?

What happens when you accept your mistake?

Why do mistakes make us stronger?

Can a mistake be a choice?

What beats a narcissist?

At what age does narcissism develop?

How do you mentally escape a narcissist?

Do people admit when they are wrong?

How do you deal with people who never admit they’re wrong?

 Frequently Asked Questions About Psychosocial Development

One of the interesting things I like about psychology is its impact on personality development. I like how detailed the information is regarding mental illnesses, different treatment types, psychological analysis, and testing. I am fascinated by how science understands how the brain functions and malfunctions. Yes, there are quite a lot of things that seem impossible to fit in one category. But fortunately, everything has been handed out, and all of the data is insightful and well-thought of.

Speaking of psychology, I am now focusing my enthusiast on Erik Erikson’s theory. It is all about this psychosocial development. At first, I was hesitant to go deeper into it. But then I got interested in what psychosocial development contributes to my understanding of myself as an individual.

According to the psychosocial theory of Dr. Erik Erikson, everything that people experience over their lifespan from early years through late adulthood always includes the eight stages of development. And at each stage holds an important crisis or task that all individuals need to resolve. And when people complete each developmental task, it results in confidence, competence, and a healthy personality.

Below are couples of frequently asked questions that might help explain some significantly important details about Psychosocial Development to understand my point better.


What is a psychosocial crisis, according to Erikson? 

Psychologist Erik Homburger Erikson explains the psychosocial crisis as a conflicting turning point where individuals face a struggle of exploring who they are as individuals. It is a specific psychological quality that involves identity versus role confusion, a time of vulnerability, and a person’s capability.

In a specific crisis, an individual struggles to attain a specific mental quality. That is because, on a specific stage of development, a person deals with understanding each behavior that correlates to social cognition. These changes improve the understanding that other people’s behavior is based on their desires and knowledge.

What is the 9th stage of psychosocial development? 

In the ninth stage of psychosocial development added by Erik Erikson’s wife, Joan Erikson considers new challenges related to continued aging with or less desirable outcomes. It is particularly because of elders mistrust their ability due to a weakening body. The ninth stage specifies the incorporating aspects from all the previous eight stages of psychosocial development.

Additionally, the 9th stage of development is what Erikson describes as dystonic because the developmental stage often results in a less desirable outcome. Thus, people’s personality at this stage of development is more likely doubtful, and mistrustful, and many people will never admit they were wrong. In some instances, they also feel guilty about not having the ability to do what they once did.

What are the educational implications of Erikson’s theory? 

Erikson’s developmental stages showed a comprehensive theory of personality-based self-organization. It is focused on developing a sense of personal control over independence and physical skills. Each psychosocial development stage corresponds to access to a structural level.

Is Erik Erikson’s theory still applied today? 

Yes, Psychologist Erik Homburger Erikson’s work is as significant up until today, even after he initially outlined his original theory. It completes each stage, exploring development throughout life, including events of childhood, adulthood, and old age. It expanded the psychoanalytic theory, which explores a healthy personality and the acquisition of basic virtues.

Erik Erikson’s theory has always been accepted, and it gets to be recognized even more because our society has become increasingly mature. Thus, the needs have grown to understand the aged individual more carefully to address the issues that once were never given importance – life and mental and emotional maturity. Erikson’s perspective even more valuable and relevant compared to when the psychologist first projected it.

Why is Erik Erikson Theory important? 

Psychologist Erik Homburger Erikson’s theory is important because it explains well-enough the person’s psychosocial development, from infancy to adulthood. In fact, it provides a broad framework from which to view development with the given modern pressures on society, family, and relationships. It emphasizes the social nature of human beings to the quest for personal growth and fulfillment.


How can you apply Erik Erikson’s theories in the classroom? 

You can apply Erik Erikson’s theories in the classroom by providing a portion of the day for children to choose their preferred activities. You can start by breaking the instruction and activities down into small steps. You can also have a classroom library that allows children to pick their books during reading time. This method helps promote children’s decision-making ability.

Why is Erik Erikson Theory important for teachers? 

Psychologist Erik Homburger Erikson’s Theory is essential for teaching to ensure that students at the different grade levels will attain mastery of each stage in Erikson’s theory without conflict. It will exhibit the teacher’s positive response for the students, especially in their interest, while maintaining confidence in their ability.

What is a psychosocial theory? 

Psychologist Erik Homburger Erikson’s Psychosocial theory is concerned with the correlation between individual subjectivities and identities to support understanding in other people’s behavior based on knowledge and desires. It also focuses on individuals’ thoughts and behavior that influences historical and contemporary social and political formation.

What are the educational implications? 

The educational implication refers to the role of environment, curriculum, materials, and instructions that individuals need for growth and development. These educational implications cater to the student’s physical and cognitive abilities and their social and emotional needs.

What are the strengths of Erikson’s theory? 

Erikson’s theory’s fundamental strengths emphasize human beings’ collective nature, which involves how they think, react, and behave to everything socially around them. It influences development on the challenge of social relationships and how it impacts necessary cognitive functioning, decision-making, and critical thinking.

The psychosocial theory provides a broad framework that helps people view development throughout the entire lifespan. It also allows individuals to emphasize and value human beings’ social nature and the significant influence that relationships have on development.

What are the eight developmental stages of human life? 

Erikson’s eight psychosocial development stages are Trust vs. Mistrust, Identity vs. Role Confusion, Intimacy vs. Isolation, Ego Integrity vs. Despair, Initiative vs. Guilt, Industry vs. Inferiority, Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt, and Generativity vs. Stagnation.

What is not one major difference between Erikson’s theory and Freud’s theory? 

While Freud’s ideas influenced him, Erikson’s psychosocial theory is based on environmental and social factors, while Freud’s psychosexual theory highlights the importance of fundamental and biological needs. Erikson also extends his approach into adulthood, while Freud’s theory ends at an initial period.


What are the seven stages of development? 

The lifespan development includes prenatal development, infancy and toddlerhood, early childhood, middle childhood, adolescence, early adulthood, middle adulthood, and late adulthood.

How do you remember Erikson’s stages? 

To quickly memorize Erikson’s psychosocial theory, you can utilize mnemonic. It is a process of looking out for things that can be used as a formula or rhyme to aid in recollection.

What are the key concepts of Erikson’s theory?

Erikson’s theory’s key concepts consist of eight stages of development, are, in no particular order, Trust versus mistrust; Intimacy versus isolation; Initiative versus guilt; Autonomy versus shame and doubt; Generativity versus stagnation; Industry versus inferiority; Identity versus identity confusion, Integrity versus despair.


Frequently Asked Questions About Confirmation Bias

Many people tend to think of themselves as rational and logical thinkers. Unfortunately, we are only humans, and our humanity comes with irrationality and biased thinking.

One of the most common forms of irrationality involves confirmation bias. It is when people disproportionately confirm their beliefs instead of disproving them.

Confirmation bias can be subtle and encompassing, and it has the potential for significant real-life impacts. However, learning more about this cognitive bias should help you prepare countermeasures and maintain rational thinking.


Confirmation bias can creep into many cognitive processes. It has impacts on information gathering, interpretation, and memory recall. 

One way that confirmation bias can manifest is when testing a hypothesis. It turns out that most people naturally seek information that tends to confirm their beliefs. When it comes to trying to disprove their theories, people tend to show less diligence. They may even choose to ignore contradictory evidence altogether.

Confirmation bias also affects interpretation. Even if people encounter objective evidence that contradicts their beliefs, they tend to deprioritize them when judging the merits of their viewpoint.

Confirmation bias can even affect recall. People tend to more clearly remember details that support what they already believe to be true. Again, there’s a tendency to overlook contradicting evidence.

Unfortunately, what makes confirmation bias more dangerous is its insidious nature. People may wrongly believe that fallacies are not influencing their thought processes. In many cases, though, people adopt confirmation bias seamlessly that they cannot even detect its presence.

Complicating factors can increase the strength of confirmation bias. Emotionally charged situations can amplify the tendency to cling to your own beliefs, given how emotions can suppress logical thinking.

Concepts that form one’s core identity, such as fundamental beliefs, are also more sensitive to confirmation bias. In this case, challenges to one’s perspective can be interpreted as attacks on themselves.

Learn more about confirmation bias by reading the FAQs below.

What is an example of confirmation bias?

Confirmation bias skews a person’s perspective. There is selective retention of information aligned to their own opinions. An example of confirmation bias is choosing to read materials that only support your views. It may lead to difficulty in discerning fake news. Then, it can eventually cause misinformation.

Why is confirmation bias a problem?

Letting confirmation bias dictate your views can cause risky behavior. It can negatively impact your relationships with others. Selective retention of information can lead to ignoring warnings and precautions.

Communication problems can stem from wanting to be right all the time. It can put a strain and possibly destroy your relationships.

What are the 3 types of bias?

Types of confirmation bias are:

  1. Biased information,
  2. Interpretation bias, and
  3. Memory bias.

Biased information is seeking information that only supplements and feeds on your current perspective. Interpretation bias relates to how people interpret evidence presented to them. No matter how opposing these are, they will fit it in their views. Lastly, memory bias happens when active recall and selection of memories happen.

What is the confirmation bias fallacy?

Fallacies occur when you seek information to give more weight to your opinions. You would instead do it than constructively work on them. It makes you numb to other people’s views. You eventually devalue or invalidate their truth.

How do you avoid confirmation bias?

You can avoid confirmation bias by seeking information different from yours. By asking questions, you can recognize lapses within your judgment. Having an attitude of an open mind will help broaden your perspective.

What are the 5 types of bias?

The five types of cognitive bias are:

  1. Confirmation bias,
  2. Overconfidence,
  3. Fundamental,
  4. Fundamental attribution, and
  5. Gambler’s fallacy.

Confirmation bias tends to filter or interpret information to fit your views. Similar to this is overconfidence or over-relying on your knowledge. Anchoring is a bias where you readily jump to conclusions even with little information.

Another type is fundamental attribution. It is where you blame other people for bad things that happen to you. Lastly, Gambler’s Fallacy is a bias where past events solely dictate the future.

Is confirmation bias good or bad?

Confirmation bias clouds judgment most of the time. It can then lead to harmful actions directed at yourself or others. Difficulties in accepting that people can have different opinions result in relational problems. In severe cases of confirmation bias, it can affect your daily life.

People with confirmation bias should keep an open mind. It can strengthen their values and have “better” views.

How does Confirmation bias affect our thinking?

Seeking information in your favor hugely affects vital cognitive processes. It can affect decision-making, judgment, and interpretation.

The constant denial of opposing information can create lapses. It disables the ability to see the whole truth of varying perspectives. There is a tendency to force the information to fit into the skewed view.


What is another term for confirmation bias?

Myside bias is another term for confirmation bias. It involves assessing and generating ideas based on their own. It seeks to validate one’s point while invalidating others’ opinions.

How do you use confirmation bias to your advantage?

In some situations, decision-making processes are easier with confirmation bias. The brain’s shortcuts can help arrive at a decision fast during hard times. It is also useful in convincing people to set goals that align with their own.

What is the opposite of confirmation bias?

The opposite of confirmation bias is belief perseverance. In confirmation bias, people try to fit the evidence to their perspectives. Meanwhile, belief perseverance is inclined to outright rejection.

What is confirmation bias, and how does it work?

Confirmation bias is a type of cognitive bias that involves selective collection and interpretation of evidence. It reframes information to fit personal beliefs. Confirmation bias tends to choose the easier route and affirm what you know.

What is cognitive bias?

Cognitive biases are errors that may happen when you process and interpret information. These biases affect our cognitive processes and are usually subconscious behaviors. Our brain takes shortcuts to preserve energy. However, it may produce faults in our thought process.

What does selection bias mean?

Selection bias is a term used to describe inaccuracies in experiments. It happens where chosen subjects are not representative of the whole population. Typically, it occurs due to the failure to randomize. It may end up invalidating study results.

How do you control bias?

You can control bias by opening yourself to different views and perspectives. Asking for help in assessing your views assisted with constructive feedback may also be helpful.

Impacts of Confirmation Bias

Given the status of confirmation bias as a cognitive fallacy, it can introduce irrationality into thought processes. In turn, confirmation bias can lead people to believe the wrong conclusions and making misguided decisions.


For instance, confirmation bias drives people to preferentially seek evidence that supports their beliefs instead of information that can disprove them. People may overestimate the accuracy of their hypotheses, even in the face of contradictory evidence.

Peter Cathcart Wason demonstrated this tendency to look for information supporting a given view through a series of experiments in the 1960s. These methods, known as Wason’s rule discovery task, provide empirical evidence of confirmation bias’s workings.

Confirmation bias causes people to discredit or ignore information that is not aligned with their perspective. Without taking a balanced viewpoint, people influenced by this bias can make judgments that are not backed by logic.

At its worst, confirmation bias can cause people with different initial beliefs to adopt more extreme views. This polarization of opinions is a factor behind many of the socio-political issues expressed by many people.

Fortunately, there are many techniques to avoid confirmation bias. Often, the cognitive fault is commonplace and hard to detect. But there are practices in analysis and decision-making that can mitigate its effects.

The most straightforward approach is to look for evidence that runs counter to your beliefs actively. Carefully weigh the supporting and dissenting information you have. Through this, you get a more nuanced view of your beliefs.

In the data-gathering stage, it helps to focus on collecting as much data as possible. Don’t jump to conclusions prematurely. Without preconceived beliefs, you are less likely to allow confirmation bias to creep into your thought processes.

Formulating multiple hypotheses can also help. By not fixating on a single perspective, you can more fairly judge the evidence you have and eventually stick to the idea most supported by evidence.

Finally, share your thought process with trusted colleagues. By applying the perspectives of other people, you can filter many cognitive biases.

Being more aware of confirmation bias and counteracting it can help you live a more rational life.